Discover a multimedia sensory experience that allows the visitor to experience L.O.V.E through the life, song, poetry, and environment of Colorful Artform (aka Girls of Color in Louisville) Imagined By 300for300 founder, Chastity Dotson, this 3-minute immersive film takes place in cocoon-like structure we call the “Seed of Love”.
Seed of L.O.V.E

L is for the shape of the chair I sat on as you looked into my eyes and told me that everything would be alright. L is for the loyalty you have, like a knight to their kingdom. Always there to light a torch on darkened paths, Always there to protect me from the monstrous world, And never abandoning me, despite the cost
— Zadee Kenzer, 14

is observant Observant: Quick to Notice something In my house If I see something out of place I'm gonna put it back Or if my friends are having a bad day I'm gonna ask what's wrong And I'm very detailed about things Maybe my room and my bathroom
— Mylan Edmonds, 14

is an array of bright colors also known as vibrant that is what V can mean to anyone but to me the letter V means being open to change and letting go but also allowing love to flow in. you must embrace what you have but also embrace letting go. V means very to add emphasis to anything you can think of to be bold or to be very bold. But remember you can think of v as just the 22nd letter of the alphabet or you can think of it as a letter with a million meanings.
— Ionna Barbour, 12

E is for everything Both the beginning and the end. Everything is love Everyone is capable of love and being loved. Love is everywhere Love is embracing yourself and others Even expressing how you feel It may not always be easy going Sometimes you feel it won’t be enough You should be enjoying every moment Even when things get tough Everything does have an ending But that only leaves room for a better new beginning
— Jayda Cooper, 14
The Vision
The Seed of L.O.V.E installation, conceived by renowned actress and founder Chastity Dotson, embodies a visionary convergence of art, music, and poetry.

The Execution
The execution of the infamous Seed of L.O.V.E installation at the Festival of Faiths captivated audiences with its profound symbolism and immersive experience.
Seed of L.O.V.E Film Team
Alaya Judkins
12, Performer
Aurelia Harris
12, Performer
Ava Robey
16, Performer
Binah Wells
16, Performer
Gizelle Eady
14, Performer
Jayda Cooper
14, Writer
Jershyda Wright
16, Writer
Journey Cooper
11, Performer
Kalia Newbolt
17, Performer
Keira Bradford
16, Performer
Maliyah Oates
14, Writer
Mugisha Constance
16, Original Song
Mylan Edmonds
14, Writer
Ny’ema Jones
14, Performer
Peyton Mitchell
13, Writer
Rhamiya Oates
12, Performer
Sunni Mitchell
16, Asst. Art Director
Zadee Kenzer
14, Writer
Seed of L.O.V.E Team
“The meaning of all of this is a sacred exchange of art, sound, poetry, and song through the lens of Love as It is important that the love we share - this feeling - be generated by the girls we serve.”
Chastity Dotson, Founder
Our Sponsors
Our Sponsors
Special Thanks
Carla Dearing
300 for 300 Team
Chastity Dotson
FOUNDER of 300for300
Darleen Thornton
Shavonne Manson
Executive Assistant
Mia Upshaw
Communications Manager
Caroline Heine
Development Team
Carla Dearing
Development Team