Our Inspiration.
We believe the senseless murder of Breonna Taylor in Louisville is the latest example of a life and death issue in the lives of young women of color, who look like Breonna, dream-like Breonna, and must never be subjected to that violence and indifference at the hands of our society again.
The lack of accountability and swift injustice surrounding the Taylor case speaks to a blindness about the true value of black women and girls. By sharing the stories and dreams of young girls of color we can increase awareness of their value and hopefully save lives.

To honor Breonna’s memory, we want to impact the girls most impacted by her death.
Our program begins where we can make the greatest difference ---- with the girls in Louisville, KY.
Our founder Chastity Dotson decided to run 300 miles for 300 girls in Louisville and the idea of 300FOR300 was born. The running would put Chastity on the line, showing the girls of Louisville how much their lives mattered to her and the program 300FOR300 would be the change she so desperately wanted to see in the world.
As the result of the 300 mile run, many local institutions have stepped up and supported our program with space to hold our courses, public relations services, and brand new running shoes for our run team.